Lorerim Quest Mods Overview
By TheIncredibleSad & WhisperDealer
Lorerim comes with several new quest mods, from expansions of vanilla quests to DLC-sized mods that expand upon the game. This guide will help indicate how to start them.
Beyond Skyrim: Bruma
Beyond Skyrim: Bruma is a DLC-sized quest mod that adds a portion of Cyrodiil as a playable worldspace, comparable in size to the Dragonborn DLC. There are two main ways to access Bruma in Lorerim 2.0:
- Use the alternate start option to begin in Cyrodiil.
- Travel directly to the border gate located south of Helgen. From there, you can either negotiate your way through the gate or use a nearby cave system.
More detailed information on the cave location and a full walkthrough of the quests can be found on the UESP Wiki and the Nexus Mods page.
Sirenroot - Deluge of Deceit
Sirenroot is a large quest mod based heavily on puzzles and water mechanics inside an Ayleid ruin underneath Lake Honrich near Riften. To begin this quest, speak to Frissa Black-Briar at Elgrim’s Elixirs in Riften to join the expedition team. Beware, your choices in this quest will greatly affect the outcome! A detailed walkthrough guide is available on the mod page if you get stuck.
Heart of the Reach
Heart of the Reach is a quest mod that takes place in an underground swamp where you will either help or harm a priest attempting to heal the Heart of the Reach. This quest mod has multiple different outcomes and endings based on the choices you make. To start, speak to Gwilym, a new NPC located at the Silver-Blood Inn in Markarth. More details, including a walkthrough, are included on the mod page.
Meridia’s Order
“A new hand touches the beacon…”, but different this time. Meridia’s Order is a large quest mod that adds a new faction and questline with its own locations, followers, bosses, and loot, unlocked after completing the “The Break of Dawn” quest. After completion, you will later be greeted in any major city by one of Meridia’s Order’s Paladins. This questline is choice-based and has many different paths to completion. Beware, because Lorerim is based around Requiem, the undead are no joke. Recommended level to begin is 25+. More info here.
The Tools of Kagrenac
The Tools of Kagrenac is a quest mod centered around the legendary trio of artifacts—Keening, Sunder, and Wraithguard—created by Lord Kagrenac to use the Heart of Lorkhan. Keening is already available in Skyrim through the College of Winterhold side quests for Arniel Gane. This mod ties into that, starting after you obtain Keening from Arniel Gane’s quests and complete the “Way of the Voice” main quest. After a few in-game days, you will receive a letter from a courier, starting this questline. Details, including puzzle hints, are included on the mod page.
Project AHO
Project AHO is a DLC-sized quest mod based around a hidden Dunmer settlement of Great House Telvanni, built over the ruins of a once-great Dwarven city. This expansion includes its own quest line, locations, characters, music, armor, weapons, and spells. To begin this questline, you must be level 15+ and travel to Mixwater Mill located south of Windhelm, where you will be contacted. Lorerim has a delayed start mod which requires you to head to the Braidwood Inn (located at Kynesgrove), talk to Iddra the innkeeper, she will have a note for you to investigate a suspicious orc at Mixwater Mill. On reading the note, Shaglak should find you next time you visit the mill. For more information, including walkthroughs of all quests, please visit the mod’s wiki or the Nexus Mods page.
Clockwork is a quest and player home mod centered around a castle high in the mountains that has been long forgotten. This quest has no starting requirements other than being level 5 and will begin randomly when traveling around Skyrim’s wilderness. For those who want to know, the quest will point you towards the “Velothi mountain tunnels” in the far eastern portion of the map. More details on the contents of the castle and the quests themselves are available on the mod page. Be warned: this quest has a point of no return early on, meaning you will not be able to return to Skyrim until the quest is completed. This point is very noticeable, so you won’t miss it.
Olenveld is a new lands mod, the size of a small DLC, bringing the lore-rich location of Olenveld to Skyrim. It introduces a unique questline and an island recapturing system. In Olenveld, you won’t be recognized as the Dragonborn. The island’s inhabitants are so isolated from mainland Skyrim that even the main Skyrim questline is unknown to them. You arrive as a mere mortal, seeking answers, attempting to understand what went wrong, and discovering how to help and restore the island. Expect to face fearsome undead foes and waves of relentless enemies. Your decisions will determine the island’s fate. You can start the mod by going to septimus signus outpost, walk behind that glacier and going forward until you see a cabin, once inside, pick up the note and venture forth!
Demon of Dream
A Daedric quest in which you enter the nightmares of three ex-cultists of Vaermina. Includes nightmare-themed spells, enchanted artifacts, and an Atronach Forge-style trading system. Demon of Dream is an unmarked quest centered around 3 ex-cultists of Vaermina, all trapped in their own minds after an attempt to get back at the Mistress of Dream. Encounter several unique enemies, including Vaermina’s own minions: The Omen. Whether it be to end their suffering, or to find valuable artifacts and spells, you decide to venture into their minds and defeat their worst nightmares. The quest begins with the acquisition of the Idol of Vaermina, within Cragwallow Slope. There, you will find a note next to the artifact, explaining how it works and where the dreamers can be found.
Orkey, an enemy god, had always tried to ruin the Nords, even in Atmora where he stole their years away. Seeing the strength of King Wulfharth, Orkey summoned the ghost of Alduin Time-Eater again. A quest about a realm lost to myth, an ancient city of ghosts, and a small house in the woods. Includes three new groups of magic, unique boss fights, custom enemies, two endings, and more. To begin this quest, travel just northwest of the Roadside Ruins in Falkreath, and enter the abandoned homestead.
Note: you will be trapped from the moment the quest begins
Wyrmstooth adds a new quest that takes the Dragonborn to the island of Wyrmstooth situated north of Solitude across the Sea of Ghosts. Battle across new landscapes and through new dungeons in this expansion-sized mod. The task may seem simple enough: slay a dragon that’s stirring up trouble. By default Wyrmstooth starts when you reach level 10 and have finished the main quest ‘Way of the Voice’. An imperial courier named Theodyn Bienne will track you down starting from the Bannered Mare in Whiterun. You can change these conditions in the MCM to suit your playthrough.
Carved Brink
Carved Brink is a large quest modification, from the authors of Project AHO. This mod adds to Skyrim: a daedric plan of Peryite - The Pits, and an unknown part of Oblivion - Faceted Stones. One of the many Daedric pocket planes hidden throughout Oblivion. Many years ago, it was inhabited by Snow Elves, but now this place belongs to another race - Goblin. Embark on an adventure for treasure, make unusual acquaintances, and be tested with the trial of the Daedra. To begin the quest, first reach level 10 and visit Abandoned Grotto near Hillgrund’s Tomb and Lost Knife Hideout.
When a powerful necromancer and his followers seek out the forbidden secrets of immortality that could threaten Skyrim, will you defeat him to stop his evil quest, or continue it yourself?
Uncover a small new questline that will take you to the frigid peaks of the Dragontail Mountains themselves, and beyond, as you pursue a powerful necromancer and his followers, and thwart their plans to acquire powerful artifacts and ingredients for an unholy ritual. What you choose to do with those reagents, and the forbidden knowledge they have stolen however, is up to you
Forgotten City
The Forgotten City is the first mod in history to win a national Writers’ Guild award for its script. It is a critically acclaimed expansion mod offering a unique 6 - 8 hour experience: a murder mystery investigation set in an ancient underground city. You’ll need to solve it using your wits, and the ability to travel through time…
To start this quest you typically have to be level 5 however Lorerim uses the delayed start mod which increases this to level 25. You’ll be approached automatically by a courier when you enter any city. Alternatively, you can make your way to the “Forgotten Ruins” in the south-west corner of Skyrim.
Other Quests
There are many other quest mods that have been added. It’s worth mentioning that Saints & Seducers Extended Cut is another new quest mod detailed in our Quest Guide. Some other quests include:
- Legends of Aetherium: To start, travel to any of the following inns around Skyrim and find a hiring notice, which will start the quest.
- Fists of Fury: To start, you need to win a number of vanilla brawls. After a day, you will receive a letter.
- Siege at Icemoth: To start, travel west from Northwatch Keep and find the dead mercenary. Read the waterlogged journal and use the boat at Old Wooden Jetty. This is at the northwestern beach in Skyrim.
- Belethor’s Sister: To begin, talk to Belethor when you are level 20.
- Skyrim Sewers: Not really a quest mod, but it adds sewers to Skyrim that can be explored. These often lead to old ruins that hold powerful items.
Additionally, two mod authors are adding small quest mods that greatly enhance Skyrim:
- Nimwraith: Profile link.
- TheOscar0 (also the author of Meridia’s Order): Profile link.