Missing Manual Downloads

Installing creation club content should be as simple as booting up Skyrim and letting it install your creation club content. But you may fall victim to Bethesda’s terrible system and be missing some content. Content needed to download this list as this list requires the Anniversary Edition Creation Club content

How to resolve

Step 1 - Ensure you own the Anniversary Edition Upgrade DLC for Skyrim Special Edition.

This is a necessary requirement for Lorerim. You can confirm this by checking your Steam game properties and then the DLC tab.

If your copy of Skyrim SE is shared from someone else’s Steam account via family sharing, you won’t be able to download the AE CC content.

Step 2 - Make sure you’ve installed the Creation Club content.

This requires booting up to the Skyrim main menu, at which point you should be prompted to download the content. If you do not get this option, or nothing happens when clicking it, you can trigger the download by doing the following:

  1. Select Creations from the main menu.
  2. Press for options.
  3. Click “Download all owned Creation Club Creations”.

Do not Alt-Tab or otherwise leave the game window while the download is ongoing. Doing so is likely to cause the download to stop or skip files.

Step 3 - Run Wabbajack once more, going through the same steps as on the initial install attempt.

Before hitting run however, tick overwrite installation. This will identify the existing files you already downloaded and continue where you left off with the install.


I downloaded all of the content but it still says some files are missing. There are two common causes for this.

The first is that you may have the wrong version of some of the files. These can be seen in the Skyrim Data folder, where some of them have a capital letter instead of lowercase (for example: ccbgssse037-Curios.esi instead of ccbgssse037-curios.esi).

For this, go to your Skyrim Special Edition/Data folder, and delete all files that begin with cc (do not delete skyrim.ccc) and then boot the game again, you should be prompted with the option to download everything once more.

If you have tried everything suggested above and you are still missing some files

You may just be a victim of Bethesda’s terrible system. You can try verifying the game files in Steam to reset the game and download all the content again from in-game.

If nothing else works but you are able to get the missing manuals down to a small amount, you can use the UESP CK wiki to look up the corresponding creation for each missing manual
