Character Creation Guide

By shallowgreen, BiggieBoss & WhisperDealer

Diving into Lorerim, the first thing you will do is create your character. In vanilla Skyrim this was as simple as picking a race and getting a few advantages, but in Lorerim there are many more options that truly define your character. This guide will help you understand your choices.


Make sure to also check out the attributes you’re interested in, rather than just abilities - a lot of races come with very strong attributes - things like reduced power-attack cost or spell cost. If you plan on becoming a Werewolf or Vampire during your playthrough, these also get special bonuses depending on your base race:

Birthsigns & Standing Stones

This is the principal mod for all standing stones: Link Here


Tour available standing stones are determined when you make your first pick, either through finding a standing stone in the world, or using the “Choose Birthsign” power at any time during your run. This first choice will lock you into one of four groups:

  • Warrior (Stones allowed: Warrior, Lady, Lord, Steed)
  • Mage (Stones allowed: Mage, Apprentice, Atronach, Ritual)
  • Thief (Stones allowed: Thief, Lover, Shadow, Tower)
  • Serpent (standalone)



  • +300 magicka regen
  • +100 magicka
  • 20% magicka weakness


  • +30 spell absorb chance
  • +450 magicka
  • No magicka regen (only potions work)


  • +20 health and stamina
  • +40 health and stamina regen
  • Can run and swim without extra stamina drain


  • +100 armor rating
  • +10 magicka resist + 1 health regen per second
  • 25% fire weakness


  • +30 stamina
  • 25% chance to avoid physical damage
  • +25 speech
  • +5% shout cooldown buff


  • +75 magicka
  • +20% stronger spells


  • 3 powers: Blessed Fire, Dead Horde, Salvation
  • Salvation: Heals all allies and the caster 999 points
  • Dead Horde: Reanimate all nearby undead up to level 50 for 600 seconds
  • Blessed Fire: All undead up to level 50 flee for 60 seconds


  • 50% poison resist
  • +10 armor penetration
  • Serpent’s Curse Power: Enemies are dispelled, paralyzed for 5 seconds and take 5 poison and magicka damage for 30 seconds.


  • +50% sneak power
  • +30% muffle (quiet footsteps)
  • Moonshadow Ability: Become invisible everytime you sneak for 60 seconds.


  • +10% movement speed
  • +40 stamina and most slow effects don’t work on you
  • +25 carry weight


  • +30% lockpicking/pickpocket ability and +2 lockpicking expertise
  • +30% sneak
  • +10% crit chance and avoid damage chance


  • +20 speech
  • 40% lockpicking/pickpocket ability and +4 lockpicking expertise
  • +50 carry weight
  • Can lockpick and pickpocket without being noticed


  • +40 health
  • +10 weapon damage
  • +5 weapon penetration
  • +5 unarmed damage


In 3.0, “Medical History” has been replaced with Traits thanks shazdeh. This mod adds a host of new traits, inspired by Fallout New Vegas, with the goal of creating new and fun playstyles. At the beginning of the game you’re given a power “Select Traits”, activating it displays the menu where you can pick up to 2 desired trait.

Trait Description
Au Naturel Flaunt what the divines gave you! Start with +100 more health, magicka, and stamina. For each piece of armor or clothes you wear, you lose 30 (up to -120 lost at 4 pieces).
Light Foot You’ve never felt comfortable in footwear. When not wearing boots/shoes, your movement is muffled, you move 50% faster and suffer half fall damage. Wearing boots/shoes slows you by 10%.
Unbound Hands Handwear constricts you. Spells are 10% stronger and unarmed attacks do +10 more damage when not wearing gloves/gauntlets. However, the opposite effect occurs when wearing them.
Glutton You LOVE food but hate medicine. Food benefits are 25% stronger, but potions have only 50% their efficiency.
Swimmer In water, you swim 20% faster, can breathe underwater, and regenerate health, stamina, and magicka by 0.25 per second. On land, you regenerate 50% less of these stats.
Good Natured Deal 20% less damage with weapons and Destruction spells. However, wearing a divine amulet grants beneficial spells/potions 20% longer effects and reduces incoming damage by 20%.
Bad Natured Sneak attacks deal 20% more damage, and pickpocketing is easier. Non-sneak attacks deal 20% less, and wearing a divine amulet causes harm.
Hoarder Gain +100 carry weight, but selling prices are 50% worse.
Jack of All Spells Novice, Apprentice, and Adept spells are 20% stronger or last longer, but Expert and Master spells are 20% weaker or shorter.
Old Fashioned Weapons and armor made of iron, wood, fur, or hide are 25% stronger. Otherwise, they are 10% weaker.
Fast Shot Bows draw 30% faster, and crossbows reload 30% faster. However, bows and crossbows deal 30% less damage.
Disciplined Bows and crossbows deal 20% more damage but draw/reload 25% slower.
Adrenaline Rush At less than 20% health, you move 20% faster and regenerate 0.5 stamina per second. However, you deal 20% less damage at this threshold.
Rage At less than 20% health, you deal 20% more damage and take 20% less damage. However, you move 20% slower at this threshold.
Focused At less than 20% health, you regenerate 0.5 magicka per second and absorb 10% of incoming spells. However, you take 10% more damage at this threshold.
Soul Reaver Weapon and armor enchantments are 10% stronger and use 10% less charge. Armor rating and weapon damage are reduced by 10%.
Bane of the Wicked Deal 20% more damage to undead, daedra, and werewolves. However, you deal 10% less damage to other beings.
Defiler Deal 20% more damage to playable races. However, you deal 10% less damage to other beings.
King of Worms You can have one additional summon or undead thrall. However, the duration of summon and resurrection spells is reduced by 50%.
Pacifist When your arms are lowered, you restore 1 magicka and stamina per second. However, raising your hands in combat has the opposite effect.
Bulwark When walking or standing still, you gain 200 armor rating and 20 magical resistance. Sprinting drains 1 extra stamina per second; running drains 0.25 stamina per second.
Gambler You have a 50% chance to critical hit. However, overall weapon damage is reduced by 25%.
Skilled Reading skill books grants an extra skill point, and trainers cost 50% less. However, every 5 levels, you don’t gain a perk point.
Dovah Tinvaak You can shout 30% more often at 30% reduced effectiveness.
Way of the Voice Non-hostile Shouts have a 20% chance to reset cooldowns. Hostile Shouts are 30% less effective.
Addict Skooma and alcohol benefits last 2x as long, and you can craft skooma at a cooking pot. When not under their effects, you have a 25% chance to get staggered when hit.
Giantkin Descended from the mighty giants; you gain +20% magic resistance and damage with blunt weapons, however you cannot read books (WIP) or spell tomes, or use scrolls.
Marathon Runner You regenerate 5 stamina per second while sprinting. However, you will not be able to gain any stamina while running or standing still.
Elemental Conduit Fire spells are more powerful in sunny weather but lose potency in the rain. Shock spells are enhanced during rain but are less effective in snowy conditions. Frost spells excel in snowy weather but weaken under sunny skies.
Witcher 3 potion effects and potions and poisons you make are 20% stronger

This is available as a seperate mod titled Biggie Traits. Click here


While Wintersun provides the foundation, there are two further mods that tweak its effects, along with Biggie’s own tweaks:

Three important notes:

  1. Meditate (praying) is on a 12-hour cooldown
  2. Some deities have had their effects tweaked significantly, for example Clavicus is not an easy perk farm
  3. Lorerim does not use Requiem’s highly restrictive religion system - feel free to commit (unnoticed) crimes, although some deities will abandon you like Wintersun suggests, for example when summoning the undead while following Arkay. Should a deity abandon you, you can follow it again by praying at a shrine, starting back at 5 favor.

Shrine blessings work separately from the religion you’re following - you can always grab a shrine blessing from a different deity, just make sure to cancel the popup asking if you’d like to change your faith.

Destiny, AKA Subclasses of Skyrim

The destiny system is entirely custom to Lorerim, you can access it directly via your tab-menu, or from the “Destiny” power. Accessing it from the power will also give you the option for a (costly) destiny respec. Destiny Perks are completely decoupled from your regular perks, and you can obtain a maximum of 7 of these perk points - meaning you can only get one “line” if you want one of the capstone perks at the end. Destiny perk points are obtained at levels 2, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30.