Frequently Asked Questions

Please checkout these FAQs before posting your question to the discord

How much space?

Why is it giving me install errors?

  • Make sure you download all Anniversary Edition (paid upgrade) content and launch Skyrim SE in Steam once to install.
  • Also, make sure to download Skyrim SE Creation Kit and launch it at least once.

How to change Resolution?

  • The best way is through the SSEDisplayTweaks.ini file, which is located in the “LoreRim - MCM and INI Settings” mod.
  • Note: This file is in the MOD in MO2, and NOT IN-GAME.

System Requirements?

  • Not sure, but probably at least:
    • 2070 for 1080p
    • 3080 for 1440p
    • 4080 for 4k to run smoothly

I crash on launch?

You didn’t disable DLAA (DLSS on LoreTrim), and you don’t have an RTX GPU.


  • Disable DLAA and either enable ENB AA or TAA.
  • Enable ENB AA by pressing Shift + Enter in-game and navigating to “Anti Aliasing” in the top left.


  • Edit SettingsUser.json from the LoreRim - CS Cache mod. Under General, set Enable Shaders to false.
  • Run the game and press the End key to open the CS menu.
  • Under Display -> Upscaling, switch Method to “Temporal Anti-Aliasing”
  • Under General, enable Shaders and click “Save Settings”.

I crash with Wheeler.

  • Wheeler can cause crashes in circumstances such as using self-made potions/poisons. I would avoid these.
  • You can also press Home and navigate to Wheeler and “reset wheels” if this happens.

I crash on load after death?

  • That’s why the death alternative mod exists — to disincentivize reloading.
  • If you have to reload, wait about 60 seconds outside of combat or traveling before attempting to.
  • This is a script-heavy modlist. Reloading in combat or during events can cause issues.
  • I also HIGHLY RECOMMEND at least going to the main menu before reloading your save on any list. The IDEAL way is to exit out completely to the desktop and reload.

I crash after loading a cell?

  • Please check if it is repeatable. Lux can sometimes cause freak random crashes, but it’s impossible to diagnose if it isn’t repeatable.
  • This just has to do with how the lighting, shadows, and meshes interact with each other.
  • Still, Lux is by far the best currently available lighting mod, so it stays.

I’m walking slow?

  • You’re out of stamina. Requiem feature.
  • Make sure to manage your stamina. Invest perks in armor, otherwise, it will drain over time. Eat food. Grab the Lady Stone.

My FPS is so bad?

  • Enable the performance profile.
  • Run VRAMR; no official support if you run VRAMR though, do it at your own discretion. (From WhisperDealer)
  • Also recommend Lossless Scaling.

Widescreen support?

  • Yes, look at the optional section towards the top of MO2.

Controller support?

  • Yes, unofficial for now, but follow this guide and enable the controller optionals in MO2.

My followers have no carry weight?

  • They have similar restrictions to the player. No free pack mules.

How do I use quicklight?

  • You need to craft a “lantern with fuel”.
  • To do this, craft/buy lantern fuel and click on an empty lantern in your inventory. It should turn into a “Lantern with Fuel”.

How do I make potions?

  • You need empty bottles. You can find them, buy them, or get them back from using potions.

How to change dual block or parry key?

How to prevent followers from dying?

  • In Requiem MCM settings, turn off Requiem’s essential/protected handling system.

How to change FOV?

  • Shift + Home to open Improved Camera settings.

I crash on my potato?

  • At the end of the day, LoreRim has mid-spec requirements for the normal profile and high-end for Ultra.
  • If you don’t meet these, I can’t do much for you unfortunately.
  • You ABSOLUTELY must meet the minimum requirements and install the list on a SOLID STATE DRIVE.